Autumn 2020 | Virtual, Custom Made
Safety Gamification for Highways England
Online conference game to help communicate and educate audience about reducing risk on the highway network.
Highways England are a government agency charged with operating, maintaining and imporiving England's motorways and major road networks.
We created and delivered a safety game to help communicate their key messages to their staff over a number of weeks through a series of online events.
The idea is that the Gamescreen represented a riskometer. Very much like a speedometre in a car but instead of talking about speed we are talking about ways we can reduce risk on our roads by applying a number of safety systems and ideas.
The players (in teams) start at the highest risk level. As they make their way through the game they will be learning more and more about ways in which risk is reduced. The dial moves towards the green as the teams progress through the game.
The event was delivered naitonwide, online, across all 6 Highways England regions.
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Unit 8 Burgage House,
Blessington, Co.Wicklow.